The most recent publications appear first.

Adolescents’ fixed mindset and stereotype concerns in mathematics: Their relations to anxiety, challenge avoidance, and achievement

2019, Student Experience Research Network

This research snapshot summarizes a project led by Eunjin Seo as part of the National Study of Learning Mindsets Early Career Fellowship. The study investigates the extent to which 9th grade students' self-reported concerns about racial/ethnic and gender stereotypes in mathematics predict mathematics anxiety, challenge avoidance, and achievement, as well as how fixed mindset beliefs play into these relationships.

How does adopting a growth mindset improve academic performance? Probing the underlying mechanisms in a nationally representative sample

2019, Student Experience Research Network

This research snapshot summarizes a project led by Maithreyi Gopalan as part of the National Study of Learning Mindsets Early Career Fellowship. The study adapts empirical methods stemming from advancements in econometrics and program evaluation to estimate the effect of the growth mindset intervention used in the National Study of Learning Mindsets on students' learning-oriented behavior (specifically, challenge seeking) and how this effect varied from school to school.

Exploring the role of emotion in students’ response to a growth mindset program

2019, Student Experience Research Network

This research snapshot summarizes a project led by Manyu Li as part of the National Study of Learning Mindsets Early Career Fellowship. The study analyzed the emotions that students displayed in writing exercises as part of the growth mindset intervention used in the NSLM, and how these emotions related to the impact of the program on students' GPA.

False growth mindsets

2019, Student Experience Research Network

This research snapshot summarizes a project led by Nicholas Buttrick as part of the National Study of Learning Mindsets Early Career Fellowship. In a sample of 9th grade mathematics teachers, the project explores the concept of false growth mindset -- a belief that effort alone can lead to improvement regardless of other factors like effective learning strategies and help-seeking.

Relations among students’ motivation, mathematics anxiety, and mathematics achievement

2019, Student Experience Research Network

This research snapshot summarizes a project led by Nicole Sorhagen as part of the National Study of Learning Mindsets Early Career Fellowship. The project examines if and how mathematics anxiety and achievement are connected, and whether growth mindset plays a role in the relationship.

Identifying supportive contexts for mindset interventions: A two-model machine learning approach

2019, Student Experience Research Network

This research snapshot summarizes a project led by Nigel Bosch as part of the National Study of Learning Mindsets Early Career Fellowship. Using sophisticated machine learning methods, the study examines reasons why the growth mindset intervention used in the National Study of Learning Mindsets may have been more or less effective (as measured by GPA improvement) in different contexts.

Estimating the impact of growth mindset on high school mathematics performance and course-taking

2019, Student Experience Research Network

This research snapshot summarizes a project led by Soobin Kim as part of the National Study of Learning Mindsets Early Career Fellowship. The study evaluated casual effects of the growth mindset program used in the National Study of Learning Mindsets, and how those effects differed based on students' incoming mathematics GPA, mathematics course placement, and the fraction of control group students in their school who did not participate in the growth mindset program but nevertheless experienced an increase in self-reported growth mindset.

Why does growth mindset impact achievement differently across schools? Unpacking the mediation mechanism from a national multisite randomized experiment

2019, Student Experience Research Network

This research snapshot summarizes a project led by Xu Qin as part of the National Study of Learning Mindsets Early Career Fellowship. The study, using a novel analytic method, looks into the mediation mechanism that underlies the impact of the growth mindset program used in the National Study of Learning Mindsets, as well as how the impact varied across schools.